travel with us

Welcome to my blog about traveling the world with our two young girls!

I share the ups and downs, good and bad – all right here.

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travel with us

Welcome to my blog about traveling the world with our two young girls!

I share the ups and downs, good and bad – all right here.

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hospital visits


ugly cries

follow our story

We are the crazy family that sold everything and headed off on a once-in-a-lifetime travel adventure.
This blog is about what it’s like living as a young family on the road. The real deal. Some travel blogs make everything look and sound fantastic, but I’m more interested in the reality of what we’re doing. It’s amazing, awesome, exciting, and enriching… it’s also exhausting, difficult, stressful, and full of self-doubt at times. I try to capture it all.

I explore what it’s like to parent and raise young children through this experience. I document our attempts to travel in a minimalist way through packing, budgeting, and getting creative. We eat a plant-based diet, so I also share how we “keep it vegan” on the road and my favourite travel-friendly recipes and tricks.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for quick updates and fun photos as we travel around, as well as all my latest blog posts.

Or, if you have in-depth questions or want to chat, you can email me at

Thanks to Megan Muir from Muir Image Photography ( for the great family photo!

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All About
Vegan Life

So Long, and Thanks for All the Sickness

Sickness. So much sickness. 18 separate things in 7 weeks for 4 people. Plus a teething toddler. Life on this paradise island wasn't exactly paradise for us! I’ve barely written anything since arriving on Isla Mujeres almost two months ago. There are many things that...

The Absolute Worst Part of My Life Right Now

    WARNING: graphic post ahead. If you are or recently were the parent of a toddler, you will likely find it somewhat familiar. Otherwise, I would finish eating before reading. There are lots of ways that this traveling life isn’t easy or perfect (I will...

Traveling with Kids

    A lot of people questioned the wisdom of our decision to travel with our kids when they were this young. We questioned it ourselves! But there is so much to be gained by exposing kids to new cultures and experiences. Since we have young, active kids who...

My #1 Money-Saving Budget Travel Tip: Make Your Own Bread

We definitely fall into the category of budget travel. As we work to build up our location-independent incomes, it is crucial that we save money in any way we can. One of my favourite ways to save money while travelling - my #1 money-saving budget travel tip! - is...

Packing Light with Kids: a Minimalist Travel Experiment

    33 days, 2 adults, 2 kids, and 1 type of weather. One 40 litre backpack, one 16 litre backpack, and one stroller. “Wow! How did you do that?!” is the refrain we’ve heard a lot when we describe how we approached packing light with kids for our inaugural...

Finding Our People at the World School Family Summit

It’s hard to know where to begin when you’ve had a week that was as inspirational, emotional, and - dare I say - life-changing as our time at the Project World School Family Summit in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We booked our tickets and hotel room months ago, which is VERY...

Best Beaches in Belize: What You Should Know about the Seagrass Situation in San Pedro

    Our world-travel adventure got off to a rocky start when our idyllic beach paradise of San Pedro, Belize, turned out to have a major environmental problem going on. We booked our trip to San Pedro on a bit of a whim – a friend tagged me in a blog post...

The Wisdom of Five Year Olds: How a Bad Day Turned Into a Lesson on Generosity

    This was one of those days that most blogs don’t talk about. This was one of those days that make you question your decision to uproot your life and travel the world. This was one of the Bad Days. One of the days that starts with the toddler waking at...

You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Adjusting our Lifestyle After a Year of Traveling

When we left Canada to come to Japan this past January 1, we had been traveling for almost exactly a year. We spent 5 of the last 12 months in Toronto, working on our rental house in various ways. Between visits back to Canada, we spent 1 month in Belize, 2 months in...

Flowing in Vietnam – but not the yoga kind!

One of the biggest adjustments to living in Vietnam for a few months has been getting around. We have learned from experience that we don’t thrive nearly as well in places where we don’t have our own transportation. We have stayed in places where we had to rely on...

Goodbye Isla, Hello Houston

Saying goodbye to Isla Mujeres was harder than expected, but we are excited to be on our journey to Vietnam and back to South East Asia, where this whole crazy adventure really began! So, we left Isla Mujeres - and it was such a whirlwind, I’ve barely processed it. We...

Our World-Schooling Journey: How We Educate While Traveling Full Time

    One of the most common questions we get, when we tell people that we are traveling full time (and therefore consider ourselves to be world-schooling) is “but - what about the kid’s education?”. Some are curious… some are concerned… some seem judgemental....

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